We already informed you before that you don’t need much for a workout at home. And if you don’t have much time or would like a distraction during lunch, these workouts don’t have to last long! Read on for some short, energetic or soothing workouts that will restart your day or get you out of the grind. Have fun!

Short meditation

For when you have little time and your head is full: a 20-minute meditation can help you relax and free your brain for new ideas and inspiration. Find a quiet place in your house and sit down. All you need is a yoga mat or your sofa / bed, a rug and your headphones and you’re good to go!

A quick upper body workout

Dividing your workouts by muscle group(s) is not only effective but also better for your recovery. If you feel like exercising your upper body (arms, shoulders, and chest) at home, you don’t need more than a (yoga) mat. Make sure you have 2 water bottles available if you want to make the training harder. Popular exercises are mountain climbers (also nice for a bit of cardio), planking (and variations on it), dumbbell or water bottle push press, tricep dips (handy on the couch or the bathtub rim) and burpees. Combine them and do 3 reps of 15 repetitions of each exercise. This way, you can do a killer workout in less than 15 minutes!

Basic yoga poses for a quick wind down

Do you have back problems or do you want to improve your digestion before or after lunch? Then yoga is a good solution! A small flow with basic exercises like the sun salutation, downwards facing dog, warrior one, warrior two, baby cobra and the cat, the cow and last but not least the child’s pose can help you relax your body and mind. Get out of that stiff chair and give your back some attention – he will be grateful. You can do the exercises yourself in quick succession to see how it feels. As long as you relax – nothing is mandatory.

It’s leg day!

You can train your legs with a lot of well-known exercises. It’s good that you don’t need any equipment because you have to work out at home, so we’ve picked those workouts for you. Find a free spot in the house and make sure you can move around a bit. Exercises you can easily do at home are squats, lunges, hip presses, squat jumps (for the die-hards: hold your squat for 3 seconds), high-knee toe caps (handy with a chair!) and side leg raises. If you combine these (make your own workout!) you can do a short lunch workout. Make sure you do all the exercises at least 12 times and repeat everything three times. The higher your pace, the more intense! For extra resistance you can for example use resistance straps at the side leg raises and weights (water) during the lunges and squats.

Stretch with tips from the physiotherapist

Most of us may not realize it, but stretching is super important for your body. It helps with back and neck complaints, improving your posture and relaxing your muscles. Sjoerd from Fysioconcept has some very useful tips for stretching and working from home in this Working Out From Home video. With these, you can switch off for a while and give your body some variety, before heading back to your desk or dining table after lunch. Very nice for your muscles and your mind.

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