13 March

Stay fit and go running: tips from our OneFit Runners

The OneFit Runners are training for upcoming runs in several cities. We have asked them a ...
17 January

Say hi to… Mike Mulders – “CrossFit is a new lifestyle”

Mike Mulders made the bold decision to turn his life around and start CrossFit, which literally ...


5 reasons to start orienting towards a company fitness benefit before September

Summer is in full swing, so you're probably not thinking about autumn just ...

Discover the hottest yoga spots in town

With International Yoga Day just around the corner you can run, but you can't ...

Join the OneFit Runners

Want to work on your running skills every week, run along during local ...

Want more? Check out all special and extra workouts

Your OneFit membership gives you access to over thousands of workouts, but ...

18 December

Say hi to… Nicole Cole – “When I dance I can be myself”

Nicole Cole is a student turned full time dancer. Since being discovered on Instagram, she has ...
04 December

Say hi to… Alina Tuluceanu “my gift was to be a teacher”

Meet Alina Tuluceanu a passionate Romanian girl whose dreams lead her to Holland over eleven ...
28 November

Say hi to… Gayan van Wijngaarden – “Train like a fighter”

Gayan van Wijngaarden trains like a fighter and is named most popular teacher at Sportcentrum ...