Boost your body & mind in Amsterdam

Is your mind completely done with 2018 and is it screaming for a boost? Make sure to check the schedule of De Bewustzijn School for its original and enriching workshops. Other damn good mental boosts are to be found at Recharge House in the Baarsjes area. Just looking for a nice meditation? Meditation PopUp Lab111 West, Meditation PopUp Westerpark or De Nieuwe Yogaschool offer loads of them.

Once your mind is reloaded, you can’t leave your body behind and Freezlab is your way to go. Get yourself into an ice cold cabin and improve your looks, your muscles and your immune system. Sounds like a present to us…

Do you feel like taking on all of those cramped muscles? During a yin yoga session with fascia trigger point release at The Conscious Club, all those knots will disappear in a heartbeat.

Of course we won’t hold you back if you just want to chill like crazy. Where to do that best? Take a look at one of the Wellcome Wellness locations (Fashion Hotel & Hotel Jakarta) in the app. You’ll probably be relaxed by the time you finish looking at the pictures alone.

Workouts that are actually presents in Rotterdam

Get warm and relaxed at the same time at Balanzs during a sesh of warm yin/yang yoga or gentle flow. If you wanna heat up, but also want to focus a little more on the mind, then you can go to Hot Yoga Place for a class of Mindoga. Yes, that’s mindfulness and yoga all in one.

Another present to be found in Rotterdam is Mind Space 60 at Yogaground. You’ll be getting all the peace and happiness that usually takes like 4 hours of sleep. How convenient with all the hassle to come. At Yoga met LEF! there’s a yoga and meditation class which also soothes your mind.

Treat yourself in The Hague

Putting your thoughts to sleep becomes really easy with the meditation and yoga classes at Bliss Soul. If you prefer the whole package, than take a trip to Kurhaus Spa. You’ll find a Finnish sauna, an infrared heat cabin, a steam bath and a spray shower there. Oh, and please take a swim in the beachview pool while you’re there. It would take a lot to not leave this place completely relaxed. For whirlpool chillings and steam bath visits there is always International Health Spa.

Is it time to release those tense muscles for once and for all? At Yoga met Lara there are Critical Alignment Yoga classes which are especially set up to relax and restore. At FitFlow Den Haag you will be doing some Blackroll (and other foam rollers) exercises to give yourself a deep tissue massage. Bye bye, stiffness!

Find your balance in Utrecht

Wouldn’t it be nice to be completely balanced right before all of the December shenanigans coming up? What to think of a Hormone Yoga session at Yoga Moves Oost? One thing is for sure; you will be leaving this joint more stable than ever and that might come in handy when you’re fighting over that last piece of trifle.

You can also choose to train your mind and Utrecht has a bunch of good stuff to work with. At Yoga Moves there is Hatha & Mindful Movement for example. Here, you will learn how to mindful through movement. Prefer not to move at all? Well, maybe one of the meditations at De Yogaschool or Yoga Point is more for you. Please check the Hatha & Yoga Nidra classes of Yoga Moves as well, because really, there is no better gift to yourself then the gift of ultimate relaxation!
