Banana bread

It’s everywhere: (healthy) banana bread! And that’s not bad, because it’s delicious and (if you use the right ingredients) also very healthy! Because it contains a lot of fruit, you can’t ignore the vitamins and fibers. A tasty alternative if you feel like eating sweets, but not too much sugar and other craziness. Plus: it doesn’t take very long before it’s on the table (for the baking newbies among us). The recipe can be found here!

Veggies with avocado dip

If you feel like snacking, but prefer to eat healthy food, then this is a good trick. Cut lots of your favorite vegetables such as cucumber, carrots or celery into strips and make a nice dip. This can be done with hummus or this spicy avocado dip. Mega tasty and it is a lot healthier than a handful of crisps or salt stalks. Try it out!

Handful of almonds

Nuts: A good backup in case you get hungry all of a sudden. If you always have a bag of unsalted nuts around, such as almonds, you can quickly get rid of your appetite with a hand full. Not only are they very filling but they are also good for you: nuts contain a lot of good nutrients such as iron, vitamin E and B1. The unsaturated fats in nuts keep your cholesterol low or lower and they are good against heart and vascular diseases! Good choice.

Beetroot brownies

What? Yeah, really. A healthy alternative to normal brownies is this beetroot version! Due to the fact that, for example, it only contains natural sweeteners such as sugars from dates, you eat less refined sugars. It’s also convenient that part of the chocolate is replaced by the beets and cocoa powder – and they’re still delicious!

Roasted chickpeas

Are you really in the mood for a little snack? Then this might be the solution: roasted chickpeas! By roasting them in the oven with herbs, they become crispy and tasty, delicious to nibble away. You eat them in between, but they are also a delicious addition to a salad or tortillas, for example. We are fan!

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