Gordelweg 153, 3038 GE Rotterdam
CrossFit Blijdorp in Rotterdam is more than just a gym! This fresh CrossFit box was founded by experienced personal trainer (and certified CrossFit trainer) Michael Sanchez. This official CrossFit box has an excellent location. More options, better results - that's why CrossFit Blijdorp is equipped with all kinds of high-quality materials. You train here in a great atmosphere together with other motivated athletes. The lessons are varied, intensive and very effective!
* Yoga is done barefoot.
* Wear comfortable clothing and take a towel and yoga mat or rent these in our studios.
* When you are joining a HIIT class, wear indoor sport shoes.
* Don't forget your water bottle!
* All our classes are given in English.
Try OneFit? Start now for only €32,50 per month