Sitting in the car, during dinner, on the couch and in front of the television. We Dutch spend a very large part of the day sitting down. Every day we sit for an average of 8.7 hours (!). Among the youngsters that even is an average of 10.4 hours. Does all that sitting also have consequences?

Common complaints

Research has shown that half of the Dutch people with an office job has had physical complaints. More and more often you see a colleague stretch his back, loosen his shoulders, or stretch his neck. Headaches also are a common result of sitting a lot. There are even indications between prolonged sitting and obesity, type 2 diabetes, and premature death.

What has to change?

It has been clear for some time that something has to change within the sedentary work environment. In the Netherlands, there is no standard when it comes to sitting posture in the office. But there are many solutions that reduce physical complaints.

Nowadays you see desks in many offices that make standing work possible. There are even a treadmill and bicycle desks available. A walk around the office every half hour for 1 ½ minutes, a short workout during lunch, and standing or walking meetings can bring many benefits. For example, practicing working out before, during, or after working hours can make employees considerably more fit with fewer back problems.

Take advantage of sports

Yoga, for example, is a strong remedy for back problems. Yoga classes focus on bringing body and mind together. Yoga helps against stress, something that can be a major cause of physical complaints. If you have a lot of stress you are tense and your body is not in a relaxed position. This can lead to back problems – something you can prevent by doing more yoga, for example.

In addition, kickboxing is also good for releasing aggression/stress and loosening muscles. This ensures better blood circulation and a healthy cardiovascular system. Swimming is also a good cardio workout and thus improves stamina and strengthens the body. Stronger muscles are less likely to become overstrained and your back can, therefore, more easily cope with a persistent sitting posture. It turns out that every form of sport brings many different benefits.

What you can do as an employer

As an employer, you can ensure that incumbent employees get moving. For example, offer OneFit to your employees and motivate them to exercise more. When they are busier with their body and mind, seated office work will also be tackled. They will be intrinsically more motivated to stand up, exercise during work, and schedule moving meetings.

It’s not just sports that contribute to fitness and vitality. It even influences productivity, creativity, motivation, and the overall image of your company. Which employer wouldn’t agree to this? Contact our OneFit for Business department and find out how you, as an employer, can prevent the complaints of sedentary office work.

