Boxing, kickboxing, Thaiboxing or other styles of Martial Arts are not only good for your fitness, but you also train your coordination with them. By improving your technique, you’ll also be able to develop skills for self-defense.

(Kick)box yourself fit

Martial Arts are not about aggressive behavior. They’re about doing a good workout, based on technique, control, and discipline. We think that a (kick)box workout is one of the most intense workouts there are, and not without reason!

You’re training your whole body, fitness, coordination and you’re also learning new skills. With a boxing bag training, you’ll do an exhausting training, lose some energy and focus on yourself. During boxing, you learn how to handle your own strengths while sending all your power towards that punching bag with various punch combinations.

Not only boxing, but also kickboxing is popular. In kickboxing, you will also be using your lower body for punch and kick combinations. Some gyms even combine the (kick)boxing workouts with full-body workouts, so imagine doing burpees, sit-ups, robe jumping and push-ups in between boxing. They’re heavy but so satisfying. “Kick” start your day with an early workout for example!

Go for Art

Next to the fact that punching that boxing bag is an intense workout, Martial Arts are also a lot about the ‘art’ of them. Think about Aikido, for example, a dynamic elegant art of movements, in which you learn a form of self-defense.

The ‘art’ is in mastering the movements, coordination of your mind and body and the various combinations. Your self-discipline will be tested to a maximum here as well, like in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for example. By doing Martial Arts, you’re teaching yourself self-discipline and you’re working on a strong body.

Curious where you can try (kick)boxing and all sorts of various Martial Arts with OneFit?

Sweat and Joy
