February is not for quitters, y’all.

Postponing your resolutions is a better long term strategy. January is a perfect month to reflect, and by the way: classes are far less cramped in the following month.

Fitness schools and studio’s are pretty cramped in the beginning of the year. You’re likely to find yourself battling with someone else’s foot or arm during your sequence. In February, motivation drops rigourously.

So far for NY resolutions, right. Better to wait until February. It really makes the heat blow over. You know why? In January you’re exhausted. The holidays seemed to last a whole season, with all the preparations, drinks and dinners, and all the dates with friend you hardly ever see.

No wonder most sporties give up in the first month. You háve to charge your body and mind first. Only after that you can formulate new goals, commit to new projects. Bet you will stick to them of you follow this tactic.

Always a good idea to do something in January, but don’t depend it. Next year, try to start a journal, clean up and prepare for February with the right tools.

In January you reflect and plan your route, in February you’re going for the kill. This way, you are more likely to reach your goals and gain the headspace to enjoy your results. With these fit tips for February, you’re all set.

Tip 1: Make your top 5 workouts

Take the time to really dive into the workouts you love doing the most. Remember; every week tons of new workouts are added to the schedule. New things give new energy. And maybe this is even a better to-do for next January, makes planning ahead from February onwards easier.

Tip 2: Follow your heart

Sounds cheesy, but frankly it just means that you choose the workouts that make you happy. Not the ones that muscle you up or give you the feeling you can compete with others. This is the only way you will be able to stick to your goals in the long run.

Tip 3: Act social

Involve a friend and turn a weekly workout into a date. From now on you are team Bikram/box/body pump/football and nothing will come in between your plans. Combine with a high tea, try out new hotspots together or cook together after class. Make it a holy weekly happening!
